Speed dating for journalists - Chicago housing
What makes Public Narrative unique? Because we train nonprofits and journalists how to tell their stories better. We also bring the two groups together to ensure better issue reporting.
Our latest speed-dating-for-better-issue-reporting event highlighted Chicago housing. In the video below, experts tell us what coverage is needed for Chicago housing, and journalists tell us what they learned.
Watch the full discourse here, courtesy of CAN-TV
Housing affects other major issues — in this case race. Our own Stephen Franklin examines the cause and effect of housing in these two posts.
How does racism hit home? Examining housing issues.
We live in racially separated worlds and, of course, that’s what we all want, right?
No, it’s not true. Whites, blacks and Latinos actually prefer to live in diverse communities. That’s according to newly released research from the University of Illinois Institute of Government and Public Affairs and the University of Illinois at Chicago’s Department of Sociology. The findings are based on surveys of Chicago area residents’ in the midst of housing searches and their choices on neighborhood preferences. Read more
How racial disparities impact Chicago housing
Your home and its value are what gives many Americans a step up on the economic ladder. But if you’re writing about home values, you need to know that this is a troubling reality for many black families. Read more
Cheryl Johnson
People for Community Recovery
13116 S. Ellis Ave
Riverdale, IL 60827
Maria Krysan
Univeristy of Illinois at Chicago
Department of Sociology
1007 W. Harrison Street
Chicago, IL
Eithne McMenamin
Chicago Coalition for the Homeless
70 East Lake Street, Suite 720
Chicago, IL 60601
312-641-4140 ext. 229
Marisa Novara
The Metropolitian Planning Council
140 S. Dearborn, Suite 1400
Chicago, IL 60603
Organizational contacts on housing
Access Living
115 W. Chicago Ave
Chicago, IL 60654
Chicago Housing Initiative
Leah Levinger, Executive Director
773-292-4980 ext. 238
DePaul Institute of Housing Studies
1 E. Jackson, Suite 5400
Chicago, IL 60604
Latin United Community Housing Association
3541 W. North Ave #1
Chicago, IL 60647
Latino Policy Forum
Savanna Clement
180 N. Michigan Ave
Chicago, IL 60601
312-376-1766 ext. 225
Lawyers Committee for Better Housing
33 N. LaSalle Blvd Suite 900
Chicago, IL 60602
Resurrection Project
1818 S. Paulina St.
Chicago, IL 60608
Shriver Center for Poverty Law
50 E. Washington St., Suite 500
Chicago, IL 60602
The Woodstock Institute
29 E. Madison St., Suite 1710
Chicago, IL 60602
Other Resources:
“The most diverse cities are always the most segregrated,” FiftyThirtyEight
“Fair housing for people with criminal records,” Shriver Center