SCOTUS citizenship ruling and resources for covering #2020Census
The Supreme Court of the United States blocked the federal government's request to add a question about citizenship to the 2020 Census. So, what's next? The President has tweeted. Public Narrative has coverage you can use — if you run a news site. Check the website to see if you qualify. Or call us.And journalists, check our updated list of census resources.

Announcing the 2017 Studs Terkel Award winners
Now, more than ever, honoring great journalism and those who support it is crucial. Public Narrative is proud to announce the 2017 Studs Terkel Award winners. Join us to honor them March 9, 2017.

It's not just Leslie Jones
Be prepared. That doesn't just mean scheduling your social media ahead of time. It means doing a deep dive into who you really are online. That includes thinking about how you respond in a crisis, or if someone just derails your conversation. Susy Schultz, our president, talks about how best to prepare for the worst part of social media — the haters.
How to improve on Sunshine Week and FOIA battles
Not-so-slowly the government is systematically winnowing down access to documents about the work it does in the name of we, the people. Year over year, it’s getting worse. And why, I wonder, is this story disregarded as not important enough to tell more often to our audiences?

For journalists: Better reporting on race, police and community
In April, 2015, we hosted a national specialized reporting institute to help reporters better cover the issues of race, police and community....