2016 Studs Terkel Award winner: Richard Steele
This year, we honor WBEZ's Richard Steele at the Studs Terkel Awards April 7. He's one of five winners. See samples of his work and more.
Twitter transforms you to a social media rock star
Twitter is 10. And while people keep talking gloom and doom, our president Susy Schultz thinks the bird is the word when it comes to social media.

2016 Studs Terkel Uplifting Voices Award winner: Aurie Pennick
This year, we celebrate Aurie Pennick as Studs Terkel Uplifting Voices award April 7. See the impact she's had on Chicago communities.
COMMENTARY: Demeaning or detailed? Sarah Karp's profile
Of course, I had no intention of demeaning Karp. Still, it’s not always what the writer thinks that matters. Some people saw "sexist" in what I wrote. And I am grateful to all of you who took the time to write me.
2016 Studs Terkel Award winner: Sarah Karp
This year, we honor investigative reporter Sarah Karp for her 15 years of excellence in journalism at the 2016 Studs Terkel Awards. She is one of five people we're honoring on April 7. See samples of work and more.
2016 Studs Terkel Award winner: Lolly Bowean
This year, we honor Lolly Bowean, a general assignment reporter at the Chicago Tribune. She's one of five winners for the 2016 Studs Terkel Community Media Awards on April 7. Here's sample of her work.
How to improve on Sunshine Week and FOIA battles
Not-so-slowly the government is systematically winnowing down access to documents about the work it does in the name of we, the people. Year over year, it’s getting worse. And why, I wonder, is this story disregarded as not important enough to tell more often to our audiences?

Facebook’s new nonprofit website — does it help us?
Facebook introduced a new website for nonprofits. But does it do anything to help nonprofits overcome the platforms huge switch in algorithms last year? Our president Susy Schultz says, not really.

Narratives can make change
"It's about creating a public ready to receive those stories and then together act on what they have learned." ~ Daniel Ash, Chicago Community Trust
Public Narrative: In the News
Ever vigilant, Robert Feder picked up on the chatter on Twitter last Thursday when we unveiled our new name and posted this story....

Studs Terkel Awards
Louis B. “Studs” Terkel was our patron saint from the founding of the organization in 1989, until he died in 2008.Join us this year to honor our class of 2016 winners.